1)The first color your baby sees is red, girls see a more purple shade of red, and boys see a cherry fire engine red...no wonder men buy bright red cars! Its something genders will be drawn to through out their lives.
2) Yellow love it...but don't necessarily paint your babies entire room bright yellow, it is a color that creates anxiety and could effect your child's sleep. You are going to need as much of that as possible:) Use it as an accent or in smaller doses.
3) Nature is a great place to draw inspiration for children, the whimsy and timelessness is a good starting point.
4) Create a room that can be transitional in the first years of their life you don't want to have to change the decor right away.

This is a great neutral bedding set if you don't know what you are having. The colors are bright and fun! by Dwell.
I really love the idea behind this room and the ceiling , things I would modify: make the black wall chalk board paint, add a chandelier and some window treatments.
This is a great vintage inspired eclectic room, very close to my own heart:) The mixing and matching of patterns add a fun playful vibe to the room, with some retro flair.
The Haley Collection from Potterybarn Kids...girly, sophisticated, elegance. The owls are my favorite part:)
Boys will be boys...stripes are a smart look for them.
Inhabitots created this beautiful nature inspired birch bedding set....made from organic cotton. Love

Love the bright vibrant color! And the outlining of the pictures frames.
DwellStudio® for Target® Dot Fun Crib Set
Anoter trasitional option.
Bananafish Vintage Rose 4 pc Crib Bedding Set - Pink
A fun irly option:)
">DwellStudio® for Target® Hippo Crib Set
My favorite boys beddin set sooooo cute!!!!