Here is my quick and easy bathroom redo...
I hated the white skip trawled walls, and blue diamond linoleum that made up my guest bathroom, disgusting... I was trying for months to think of something interesting to do to cover them up. Thinking, thinking, then yesterday I was at a thrift store buying some glass and the little old lady wrapped my fragile ware in an old clothing pattern. I loved the texture and the worn out look. When I got home I ripped through my fabric cupboard to locate the 14 vintage patterns I bought a year ago at a tag sale. I knew I would use these one day! Some watered down mod podge later and wa la!
Reclaimed flooring will be the finishing detail.

I was a bit terrified as to what my Husband
would say when he got home from work...
This stuff is officially un-removable.
Good thing I love it!
I am still planning on finishing up a few more details,
Such as crown moulding and maybe some black trim.

It's so cozy I wanted to eat my dinner in there.
Maybe I will post a picture of that later.